Java Static Code Analysis Overview


This course represents a high-level Java Static Code Analysis overview. The course is focused on typical steps that can be applied to the development process from the beginning of code implementation to artifact deployment.

Java Static Code Analysis Overview. CI/CD


How To Format Your Java Code With CheckStyle

When working within the team it is necessary to apply the same code formatting rules. It will simplify automatic code formatting and therefore pull request review. CheckStyle can be used for such purposes.

How To Check Java Source Code With PMD

The next step is the necessity to use a tool to find common programming flaws. A lot of source code issues can be found automatically. It simplifies the pull request review process and helps to focus on business problems. PMD is a tool that can be used in small projects. In large projects, Sonarqube is a typical choice.

How To Check Java Test Coverage With Jacoco

Java Test Coverage validation is an important step in CI/CD pipeline. In order to have a stable build, source code has to be covered with tests. For this purpose, Java Jacoco can be used.

How To Analyze Java Application With SonarQube

SonarQube can be used to apply thousands of automated Static Code Analysis Rules to detect possible problems and technical debt in your code. Quality gates can be used to remain the quality of your code on a reasonable level. Sonar is usually applied in Pull Requests to prevent possible issues on a codebase.

How To Use CircleCI Java CI/CD Pipeline

CI/CD pipeline applies previously described Java Static Code Analysis steps. There are a lot of CI/CD tools. Some of the examples are JenkinsCircleCITeamCity, etc. Each of them can be used as a tool to build your CI/CD pipeline. In this course, CircleCI is used to create a simple pipeline for a Java application.